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Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tsunamis: Home


Slideshow (Assignment)
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Slideshow (Notetaking)

eNotes: Collecting & Organizing Information 


Pick one of the following: 

  • Earthquakes
  • Tsunamis
  • Volcanoes

1) Explain why they happen (cause)
2) Potential hazards
3) Technology - prevention, warning, or rescue

  • WARNING: Early warning/detection systems of earthquakes, tsunamis, or volcanic eruptions.
  • RESCUE: Rescue or relief procedures after an earthquake, tsunami, or volcanic eruption has already occurred.
  • PREVENTION: Anti-earthquake, tsunami, or volcanic eruption technologies available.



  • Encyclopedia Articles will give you an excellent overview
  • Look for reputable sites such as Geological or Scientific Organizations
  • Identify keywods eg. hazards, warning, prevention, rescue, warning


YouTube Clips

  • Click on the controls on the bottom right- CC put closed captions on - so you can read and listen AND/OR slow down the speed


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Why Summarize?

To reduce information to main ideas
To understand and learn important information

Summarizing Tip.............

.....tell me what I need to know but keep it BRIEF!

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