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What is Research?

Research Process and Citations

Creating Citations or Works Cited Page?

  1. If you are using any of the databases offered at ISB, you can copy the citation from the database (remember we use MLA 8 at ISB). 
  2. You can create your own citations with NoodleTools. You can log into NoodleTools and create an account with your ISB Student Email.  
  3. You can also create a citation with NoodleTools Express (Below) and use the DataCatcher to collect your source information.

Works Cited: A Quick Guide

MLA Handbook. 8th ed., New York, Modern Language Association of America, 2016.

Inquiry Process for Effective Researching

The 5 steps of inquiry-based learning

This is why inquiry-based learning includes the following steps:

  1. Ask questions
  2. Probe into various situations
  3. Conduct analyses and provide descriptions
  4. Communicate findings, verbally or in writing
  5. Think about the information and knowledge obtained

The 4 forms of inquiry

There are four forms of inquiry that are commonly used in inquiry-based instruction:

  • Confirmation inquiry
    Learners are given a question, as well as a method, to which the end result is already known. The goal is to confirm the results. This enables learners to reinforce already established ideas, and to practice their investigative skills.
  • Structured inquiry
    Learners are given the question and the method of achieving the result, but the goal is to provide an explanation that is already supported by the evidence gathered during and through the investigative process.
  • Guided inquiry
    Learners are only given a question. The main goal is to design the method of investigation and then test the question itself. This type of inquiry is not typically as structured as the previously mentioned forms.
  • Open inquiry
    Learners must form their own questions, design investigative methods, and then carry out the inquiry itself. They must present their results at the end of the process.

Research and Inquiry Planning Rationale - WRDSB Research and Inquiry Plan. “Research and Inquiry Planning Rationale - WRDSB Research and Inquiry Plan.”, 2013, Accessed 25 Nov. 2020.


MISO - Explained

MISO is an acronym for ways you can collect information yourself about a topic. In some research, you must either create or collect a wide array of information to fully understand a topic. MISO helps you think about different ways you can interact with information to create your understanding and the thoughts of others in relation to your work.

Media: includes books, the Internet, radio, film, newspapers, magazines. If a newspaper has a cover story about homelessness three times in a month, that’s an indicator of need.

Interviews: usually with a person who has expertise in the subject matter through experience or study.

Surveys: gathering responses from groups of people who may have varying degrees of knowledge about the subject. Students develop diverse skills by compiling, conducting, and analyzing surveys.

Observations: experience is usually what we bring from our past and observation is our deliberate noticing. This active process draws on many of the multiple intelligences. 

Use the MISO Guide to help you find and organize your thoughts.

Getting Started

Your Assignment:

Step 1: Create a Place to Capture YOUR Research: Research eNotes


Step 2: Exploring your Topic:

Ask yourself, 'what do I know about my topic?'.  You should have some idea or context for your research if now you need to begin with a general search to see what is out there on your chosen topic.  This also gets you started on narrowing your big idea or topic to a research topic or question that is manageable.

Exploring your topic by Google Searching with Bell:


Step 3: Identify YOUR question or idea that you will be researching

Using keywords, deeper questions, and what you learned from your Exploring, formulate a question, or direction that will guide your research deeper. This is the time where we want to Narrow Our Topic.  

6 Journalistic Question Words to help you refine by Narrowing:

  • Who: Are you interested in a specific group of people? Can your topic be narrowed by gender, sex, age, ethnicity, socio-economic status, or something else? Are there any key figures related to your topic?
  • What: What are the issues surrounding your topic? Are there subtopics? In looking at background information, did you notice any gaps or questions that seemed unanswered?
  • Where: Can your topic be narrowed down to a geographic location? Warning: Don't get too narrow here. You might not be able to find enough information on a town or state.
  • When: Is your topic current or historical? Is it confined to a specific time period? Was there a causative event that led your topic to become an area of study?
  • Why: Why are you interested in this topic? Why should others be interested?
  • How: What kinds of information do you need? Primary sources, statistics? What is your methodology?


Step 4: Gather loads of resources (and make sure to capture citations)

Now that we have a direction and we have narrowed our topic we are ready to gather sources. On your Research eNotes, you can now begin collection resources.  Make a slide/card for each piece of evidence or source that you will be using for your final project. Linked on the first page of the doc are links to the Library Website, the Academic Databases that we subscribe to, and other resources.  If you are having trouble finding resources this is a good time to contact Mr. Bell, the Librarian. (


Step 5: Create your detailed project based on the assignment instructions

Go back and make sure you answered your question or clearly went the direction (pro/con, persuasive, debate, etc) that you intended when you started your research. If not, try Step 3 again.




Suggested Databases

Suggested Databases provided by ISB Main Library


  Provider of research of databases, journals, magazine subscriptions, and ebooks.



  Offers full-text, academic content on a variety of subjects 


  Academic journals, and over one million images, letters, and primary sources.



  A database that specializes in news resources, including archived and up to date news stories.


  Create an account and read news stories that are leveled by Lexile



Sites for unique research and data

International School Bangkok Main Library 39/7 Soi Nichada Thani, Soi Samakee Pakkret, Nonthaburi, Bangkok, Thailand 11120